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Unit 205S

Unit 205S

Research Project

Unit Description

Students will revise and implement the research question, literature and methodologies developed in Introduction to Research Methods.

In this second unit, students will revise and implement the research question, literature and methodologies developed in Introduction to Research Methods and approved by the Metavision Institute. Students’ research projects will be unique and autobiographical, fulfilling an opportunity to further their personal capacities as therapists.

Building on Introduction to Research Methods course in semester 1, students will develop their phenomenon and accompanying research question, and, through being open to the phenomenon, will shape their methodologies to engage with the phenomenon at hand, often drawing on transpersonal methods that are in keeping with and resonant with the Metavision Institute. Through data gathering and concomitant data analysis, they will follow their phenomenon according to their planned empirical research intentions, always allowing for abductive findings and the unexpected learning and insight that invariably accompanies post intentional phenomenological research.

Students will write a report on their inquiry into the phenomenon. They will include an outline of implications for their own and general counselling and psychotherapy practice. A significant component of this module will include an oral presentation of their findings where each student offers a felt sense of their unique journey and their developing understanding of research. The presentations will include peer review and the practice of appreciative inquiry with their peer presentations.




Core Unit


Year 2, Semester 2




Claire Jankelson


30 minutes before and after workshop intensives and by appointment during semester

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this unit, students will be able to:

a) Design, develop and implement a practitioner based phenomenological research project in counselling and psychotherapy

b) Appreciate and apply ethical standards in practitioner research

c) Understand a range of methods and discern appropriate methods resonant with a phenomenological approach

d) Analyse findings through appreciating the nuances and the impact of the emergent phenomenological understanding of the research question

e) Report on project outcomes, implications and recommendations in a final paper

f) Present research projects impactfully towards offering a shared appreciation of both the impact and the concomitant research understanding and learning associated with the research project

Student Workload

The total unit workload is equivalent to 6.84 hours per week over the semester, 109.44 hours in total.

  • 8 hours on-campus workshop intensive

  • 1.5 hour Zoom class

  • 99.5 personal study hours

Delivery Mode

On-campus teaching comprises 12 hours in total - 9:00 am - 5:30 pm

Online delivery

1.5 hour Zoom discussion

Workshop intensive on-campus

Study Buddy activities

Eight hours over the semester

Graduate Attributes

Critical thinking
Our graduates will have critical thinking skills necessary to evaluate and analyse information and make informed professional judgements
Lifelong learning
Our graduates will have the skills necessary to successfully manage their careers and continue their personal and professional development in rapidly changing environments across their career spans
Our graduates will have well-developed written and oral communication skills, including listening deeply and receiving, interpreting and transmitting complex information, on many levels of awareness with colleagues, clients and the community
Holistic awareness
Our graduates will have an in-depth understanding of how the physical body, the psyche and mind/ spirit/self are in constant interaction and relationship with each other and with the environment
Our graduates will have a highly developed understanding of their work roles and responsibilities and uphold a high level of professional conduct in their work
Ethical practice and integrity
Our graduates will demonstrate high ethical standards in their work and follow professional Codes of Ethics to do good (beneficence) and avoid harm (maleficence)
Our graduates will have advanced skills in collaborating respectfully with colleagues, teams and clients to enhance productive outcomes and manage conflict skilfully
Available In Courses

Available In Courses

This unit is available in the following courses:

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