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Unit 101

Unit 101

Models For Holistic Counselling And Psychotherapy

Unit Description

The unit traces the development of the holistic counselling profession from the beginning of modern psychology, with Freudian psychoanalysis and Jungian depth psychology.

This 3-credit point unit introduces a holistic approach to counselling and psychotherapy.

The unit traces the development of the holistic counselling profession from the beginning of modern psychology, with Freudian psychoanalysis and Jungian depth psychology. It proceeds to compare and contrast psychotherapy and counselling models and schools of thought as they develop throughout the 20th and early 21st centuries. These include but are not limited to psychoanalysis, psychodynamic psychotherapy, cognitive behavioural therapy, humanistic counselling and therapy, Wilber’s integral approach, process oriented and anthroposophical approaches.

The historical emergence of the holistic model is described, and the underlying assumptions are outlined. Particular attention is given to the contributions of Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung as the theoretical foundation for the holistic approach, including the Metavision model. In this context, the unit also considers the influence of the quantum field and the new sciences, broader political and cultural shifts, the emerging paradigm of ecotherapy and how these fields and understandings have influenced the development of holistic counselling and psychotherapy.

Students will develop critical thinking skills as they consider how current conceptions of consciousness and counselling are formed and maintained. Critical thinking is applied to differentiate between the philosophies and concepts of the holistic model and other counselling and psychotherapy models.

Differentiation between the professions and theoretical paradigms of counselling, psychotherapy, psychology and psychiatry is drawn.




Core Unit


Year 1, Semester 1




David Russell


30 minutes before and after workshop intensives and by appointment during semester

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this unit, students will be able to:

a) Articulate and apply a contextual and holistic understanding of the development of counselling and psychotherapy over its history

b) Develop and articulate a contextual understanding of consciousness that is dynamic and evolving in the development of holistic counselling and psychotherapy

c) Analyse and evaluate the influences of Freud, Jung and those who have followed on the development of a holistic approach to counselling

d) Critically reflect on the influence of societal changes on counselling and psychotherapy practice

e) Critically analyse a range of counselling and psychotherapy models in the contemporary context as seen through the lens of related fields such as somatic therapies and quantum physics

f) Competently demonstrate open communication skills, self-exploration and mobile ways of thinking

g) Constructively and critically self-reflect on their professional development as counsellors

Student Workload

The total unit workload is equivalent to 7.34 hours per week over the semester, 117.5 hours in total.

  • 12 hours on-campus workshop intensive

  • Three 1.5 hour Zoom classes

  • 8 hours study buddy work

  • 96 personal study hours

Delivery Mode

Workshop intensive on-campus

On-campus teaching comprises 12 hours in total - 9:00 am - 5:30 pm

Online delivery

Three x 1.5 hour Zoom classes

Study Buddy activities

Eight hours over the semester

Graduate Attributes

Our graduates will have advanced skills in collaborating respectfully with colleagues, teams and clients to enhance productive outcomes and manage conflict skilfully
Holistic awareness
Our graduates will have an in-depth understanding of how the physical body, the psyche and mind/ spirit/self are in constant interaction and relationship with each other and with the environment
Our graduates will have well-developed written and oral communication skills, including listening deeply and receiving, interpreting and transmitting complex information, on many levels of awareness with colleagues, clients and the community
Critical thinking
Our graduates will have critical thinking skills necessary to evaluate and analyse information and make informed professional judgements
Available Courses

Available In Courses

This unit is available in the following courses:

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