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Commencing Study


Acceptance of Offer

There are three enrolment forms that require students’ review and signature:

  1. Letter of Offer

  2. Acceptance of Offer

  3. Course Fee Payment Option Agreement

These forms are to be signed and returned to the Metavision Institute Office online or by mail or email as soon as possible after the admission interview to formalise students’ enrolment.

Students without counselling skills or training in their previous qualification or work experience will need to complete the Foundational Counselling Skills Bridging Course.

Metavision Institute’s higher education courses are not offered to international students studying on an Australian student's visa.

By signing the Acceptance of Offer, students accept the following terms and conditions:

  • Payment of tuition and enrolment fees and other charges for the course, which have been disclosed to students in advance via the website and the Student Handbook

  • Non-payment of tuition fees without a payment plan in place will lead to cancellation of enrolment

  • Informing the Metavision Institute of any changes to contact information, including phone number, address, email and emergency contact

  • Abiding by the Metavision Institute’s policies and reasonable requirements

  • Meeting all course requirements in order to graduate from enrolled courses, including personal therapy, placement, client practice and supervision hours

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