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Student Progression


Student Progression

Students are expected to:

  • Undertake good study habits to achieve course and unit learning outcomes,

  • Meet the requirements for 80% attendance for workshop intensives and online Zoom sessions,

  • Regularly log into their online classrooms on Sophia,

  • Maintain regular contact with their study buddy,

  • Attend work-integrated placements as required,

  • Follow assessment criteria specified in unit outlines when completing assessment tasks,

  • Submit assessment tasks by due dates, and

  • Notify the Course Coordinator and seeking help if special circumstances arise.

Students at risk of academic failure will be invited to meet with the Academic Director if they are:

  • Not meeting attendance requirements,

  • Fail to submit assessments, and

  • Have Fail grades for their enrolled units.

The meeting gives students a chance to discuss extenuating circumstances and agree on an academic support plan. Students may bring a support person to the meeting.

Metavision may take the following actions:

  • Grant additional extensions for assessment tasks,

  • Require the student to undertake additional or supplementary learning,

  • Provide students with academic study and literary skills to specialist academic support with an individual staff member or tutor,

  • Refer students in need of personal support to a support service or counselling service, and

  • Place students on a study contract with agreed milestones and support.

If students do not meet the agreed milestones in the following semester, they will be asked to show cause as to:

  • Why their unsatisfactory progress should not be recorded on their student record,

  • They should not be placed on probation, and/or

  • They should not be excluded from their course.

The student will be invited to meet with a sub-committee of the Teaching and Learning Committee and present any extenuating or special circumstances affecting their study. The student may bring a support person to the meeting.

The decision of the sub-committee will be communicated to the student in writing, with a statement that the student is entitled to appeal the decision by following the appeals provisions in the Grievance, Complaints and Appeals (Academic) Policy.

Students who fail to achieve an average mark of at least 50% overall in any one semester will be considered on probation. The student will be notified and asked to make an appointment to see the Academic Director who will establish a program of support for the student as appropriate. It is the student’s responsibility to maintain contact with the Academic Director throughout the probationary period.

Course Withdrawals and Leave

Students may apply to withdraw from their enrolled course or to take a period of leave by completing the Course Withdrawal and Leave Application Form before the Census date.

Students may re-enrol in the following semester (either at the commencement of the year or mid-year). The maximum period of course leave is 12 months.

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