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2024-2025 Academic Calendar

Below details Metavisions 2024-2025 Academic Calendar dates.

Semester 1

Please download PDF version here for your convenience.

Christmas Break
23rd December - 9th January
Holistic Counselling Skills Phase 1 (Bridging Course)
25th January - 7th March
Australia Day
26th January
Semester One Teaching Period Masters/STP (Year 2)
12th February -2nd June
Masters/STP (Year 2) Intensive 1
12th - 17th February
Holistic Counselling Skills Phase 1 (Bridging Course) Workshop
24th - 25th February
Census Date Masters/GDC/STP (Year 1)
1st March
Intensive 1 Masters/GDC/STP (Year 1)
11th - 16th March
Semester One Teaching Period Masters/GDC/STP (Year 1)
11th March - 30th June
Holistic Counselling Skills Phase 2
15th March - 26th April
Census Date Masters/GDC/STP (Year 1)
29th March
Graduation Ceremony for 2023 Graduates
6th April
25th April
Holistic Counselling Skills Phase 3
3rd May - 21st June
Holistic Counselling Skills - Phase 1 (Bridging Course)
13th June - 1st August
Semester 2 Teaching Period Masters/STP (Year 2)
24th June - 13th October
Intensive 2 Masters/STP (Year 2)
24th - 29th June
Holistic Counselling Skills - Phase 1 (Bridging Course) Workshop
6th - 7th July
Census Date Masters/STP (Year 2)
12th July
Semester 2 Teaching Period Masters/GDC/STP (Year 1)
22nd July - 17th November
Intensive 2 Masters/GDC/STP (Year 1)
22nd - 27th July
Holistic Counselling Skills Phase 2
8th August - 26th September
Census Date Masters/GDC/STP (Year 1)
9th August
Holistic Counselling Skills Phase 3
3rd October - 21st November
Intensive 3 Masters/STP (Year 2)
1st - 4th November
Intensive 3 Masters/GDC/STP (Year 1)
15th – 17th November
Closure Xmas-New year
22nd December - 6th January

Semester 2

Assessment Information

Grading Rubric

Assessment Policy Criteria
Student Assessment Grading Criteria
Complete and comprehensive understanding of the unit content Development of relevant skills to an outstanding level Demonstration of an extremely high level of interpretive and analytical ability and intellectual initiative Excellent achievement of all learning outcomes for the unit
At High Distinction level: The assignment fully addresses all marking criteria Original and/or creative thinking evident in the assignment Accurate understanding of a broad range of relevant academic sources demonstrated Synthesis and analysis of theories and concepts is present Structure of the assignment is very logical and clear Excellent academic writing skills demonstrated with no grammatical or spelling mistakes Academic referencing conventions (APA 7th ed.) accurately followed
High Distinction (Outstanding performance)
Very high level of understanding of the unit content Development of relevant skills to a very high level Demonstration of a very high level of interpretive and analytical ability and intellectual initiative Comprehensive achievement of learning outcomes for the unit
At Distinction level: Assignment addresses the majority of marking criteria Integration and comparison of theories and concepts evident in the assignment Very good understanding of a wide range of relevant academic sources demonstrated Structure of assignment is logical and clear Very good academic writing skills demonstrated with few grammatical or spelling mistakes Academic referencing conventions (APA 7th ed.) followed with a high degree of accuracy
Distinction (Very high level of performance)
High level of understanding of the unit content Development of relevant skills to a high level Demonstration of a high level of interpretive and analytical ability Achievement of all learning outcomes for the unit
At Credit level: Assignment addresses many of the marking criteria Substantial understanding of theories and concepts evident in the assignment Good understanding of a range of relevant academic sources demonstrated Structure of assignment is mostly logical and clear Good academic writing skills demonstrated with some grammatical errors and spelling mistakes Academic referencing conventions (APA 7th ed.) followed with a fair level of accuracy
Credit (High level of performance)
Adequate understanding of most of the basic unit content Development of relevant skills to a satisfactory level Adequate interpretive and analytical ability and Achievement of all learning outcomes for the unit
At Pass level: Assignment satisfactorily addresses marking criteria Competent understanding of theories and concepts evident in the assignment Competent understanding of a range of relevant academic sources demonstrated Structure of assessment could be improved Academic writing skills developing, with editing needed to correct grammatical errors and spelling mistakes Academic referencing conventions (APA 7th ed.) followed to some extent
Pass (Competent level of performance)
Inadequate understanding of the basic unit content Failure to develop relevant skills Insufficient evidence of interpretive and analytical ability Failure to achieve some or all learning outcomes for the unit
Academic Fail (Resubmit): Assignment addresses marking criteria at a level just below a Pass grade Developing understanding of theories and concepts evident in the assignment Some academic references have been used appropriately Structure of assignment somewhat organised Academic writing skills are approaching Pass standard An attempt has been made at following academic referencing conventions (APA 7th ed.)
Academic Fail (Permitted to resubmit)
Below 45%
Inadequate understanding of the basic unit content Failure to develop relevant skills Insufficient evidence of interpretive and analytical ability Failure to achieve some or all learning outcomes for the unit
Academic Fail: Assignment does not address marking criteria to Pass standard Understanding of concepts and theories not evident in the assignment or faulty Assignment is unreferenced or academic references are not accurately understood Structure of assignment is disorganised Academic writing skills are not at pass levelAcademic referencing conventions (APA 7th ed.) are not followed
Academic Fail (Attempted all assessments but did not achieve 45%)
Inadequate understanding of the basic unit content Failure to develop relevant skills Insufficient evidence of interpretive and analytical ability Failure to achieve some or all learning outcomes for the unit
Fail No Submission: Did not attempt all assignments
Fail No Submission (Did not attempt all assessments and did not achieve 50%)
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